Mega Code Archive

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3) ASP.Net Tutorial
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30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
XML Tutorial
1) Introduction
2) Namespace
3) XML Schema
4) Xpath
5) XSLT StyleSheet
1) All axes were used in this example
2) Ancestor-or-self axis includes all nodes in the ancestor axis plus the context node (which is in the self axis)
3) Attributes can be accessed in similar way as elements
4) Attributes can be processed in the same way as elements
5) Axis child
6) Check attribute existance
7) Check current element value, the output
8) Check value of attribute
9) Child Axis
10) Child of title element for the second completeTrainingCourse is
11) Count elements and attributes
12) Current name
13) Current() and name()
14) Current() returns a node-set that has the current node as its only member
15) Decendents of
16) Descendant axis selects the child nodes of the context node, the child nodes of those child nodes, and so on
17) Element level matching
18) First subject following Java is
19) First subject preceding Java is
20) Following axis contains all nodes that come after the context node, but excludes all descendant nodes
21) Following-sibling Axis includes any nodes in the following axis that share their parent node with the context node
22) For level
23) For-each children
24) For-each select=ancestor
25) For-each select=attribute
26) For-each select=child
27) Get current node with current() function
28) Has two meanings
29) If an element has a child
30) If an element has more than 3 child elements
31) If element has value
32) If one element has at least one child element
33) If test=not(descendant
34) If test=not(preceding-sibling
35) If test=position() = 1 or zip!=preceding-sibling
36) If the element has an attribute
37) Includes or excludes elements if the specified attribute is present
38) Is product the ancestor of Java
39) Is short for descendant-or-self
40) is short for parent
41) List the elements in an xml document
42) Lists all children of each element in the source
43) Match element by name
44) Match=@node()
45) Match=child
46) Match=name[4]@title
47) Math calculation with current value
48) Modeling XML Documents with Axis
49) Preceding axis contains all nodes that come before the context node in document order, excluding nodes in the ancestoraxis and attri
50) Preceding-sibling axis includes those nodes that are in the preceding axis and that also share a parent node with the context node.t
51) Process the element only if the element is a child of different element
52) Referring to the Current Node
53) Returns the name of the parent element
54) Select ancestor
55) Select dot for value-of
56) Select element by index
57) Select elements, which contain or do not contain the given attribute
58) Select=ancestor
59) Select=child
60) Select=state@joined
61) Selecting a Nodes Parent or Siblings
62) Selects only elements which occurs first in each level
63) Self axis
64) Sort by current value
65) Template match=
66) Template match= (asterisk)
67) Template match=brandnameunits
68) The descendant-or-self axis includes all the nodes in the descendant axis plus the context node (which is contained in the self axis
69) The parent axis is used to select the parent node of the context node
70) The self axis selects the context node
71) Understanding Context
72) Value-of select=
73) What is Ancestor Axis
74) What is Attribute Axis
75) Wildcard selects all possibilities